AUTHOR: SEGA / Working Designs RELEASE: 1997 TYP: RPG / Strategie SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 250€

Krieger, seid Ihr bereit? Das Schicksal des Planeten Legendra liegt in euren Händen. Spielt als einer von acht Kriegsherren mit völlig eigenständigen Abenteuern und legt den dunklen Armeen von Madruk in diesem Rollenspiel / Strategiemix ein für allemal das Handwerk.

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 8/1997: [Grafik: 72% Sound: 67% Gesamt: 90%]
Ungewöhnliches und gleichermaßen faszinierendes Echtzeit-Strategie-Epos, das ihr erst beiseitelegen werdet, wenn das Königreich wieder vereint ist.
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A „very different“ type of Single-Player Real-Time Strategy game. Combining elements of strategy games and Japanese RPGs, it plays like nothing else out there. Units move in real-time on a 2d world map, but combat takes place in a separate 3d side view (also in real time). At certain points in the game cut scenes reveal the story. It's even got brief anime cinematic sequences.

Dragon Force is the best game that nobody ever played. Why would no one play such a great game? Well, becasue it was on the Sega Saturn, and I was the only person I know that actually spent $300 on one. Seriously, you could count the number of people who bought a Saturn on your hands. Saturn was cool if you lived in Japan and could get the cool games they released there, but in the states the only decent games that came out were the ones published by Sega. That was until a company named Working Design released Dragon Force in the United States. Dragon Force combined elements of traditional RPGs and strategy games into the best game ever release for the Saturn. The game was divided into kingdoms with the player selecting where to start, but regardless the objective was always the same. Take over all the other kingdoms and together destroy the evil that is bringing terror to the world. Pretty exciting huh? The battles in this game were the best part. Up tp 200 soldiers could be on the screen at one time as two armies battled it out. Just trying to describe this game does not do it justice. It really must be played to understand why it is such a great game.


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