---- ^[[megadrive:t|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE T]]^ {{megadrive:logo_tl.jpg}} ---- **AUTHOR: **Acclaim / Beam Software **RELEASE:** 1994 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 8 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 40€ ---- Als Spezialagent Harry Tasker liegt es in deiner Hand, einen atomaren Holocaust zu verhindern und dem Crimson Jihad das schmutzige Handwerk zu legen! Erlebe die explosive Spannung von True Lies - mit nie zuvor gesehenen geheimen Missionen! Die gesamte Action des Kino-Kassenschlagers - und ganz ohne die störende Romantik! {{megadrive:klein_tl1.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl2.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl3.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl4.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl5.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl6.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl7.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_tl8.gif?232}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 4/1995:** [Grafik: 58% Sound: 59% Gesamt: 59%] \\ //Acclaim hat scheinbar nichts gelernt und versah die geradlinige Ballerei mal wieder mit schonungsloser Brutalität. Anfangs unterliegt man vielleicht noch dem rauhen Charme des Spiels. Auf Dauer nerven jedoch die technisch bescheidene Aufmachung, der monotone Spielablauf sowie der hammerharte Schwierigkeitsgrad.// \\ {{md_tl_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ ^ Effekt ^ Password ^ | unendlich Leben | BGLVS | | unendlich Munition | BGWPNS | | Levelauswahl | MNCHT | | unbegrenzt Energie | BGGRLY | ^ Level ^ Passwort | | Supermarket | QMMKNMD | | China | JWLNDBN | | Park | FNYHHLX | | Factory | HYGLWYL | | Subway | DBZJJMY | | Plane | JHFHXKD | | Docks | KZDKFCK | | Big House | JFFFZHB | ^Kommentare^ //You play a secret agent whose true occupation is unknown by his wife until she accidentally becomes entangled in his latest mission. An arcade shoot 'em up inspired by the live-action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis. The movie was a riot. The game is fun enough so far as it goes - an one-player arcade shoot 'em up similar in style to The Chaos Engine.// www.GenesisProject-Online.com //Take charge of gun toting Arnie in this top down omni-scrolling action shooter. Arnie takes on the terrorists using a variety of weapons in all the locations from the movie of the same name. In each location you have a mission such as retrieve data or capture a terrorist.This usually involves searching around for your goal while dispatching enemies and trying to minimise civilian casualties. The emphasis is on action and weapons, in particular Arnold's favourites: flame thrower and the uzi. He also has a diving roll to help him dodge the enemies bullets and come back guns blazing..// www.Mobygames.com ---- {{megadrive:md_tl1500.jpg?966}} ----