AUTHOR: Tad Corporation RELEASE: 1991 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 25€

Dr. Stark hat Wanda entführt und Toki, den Dschungelmann, der ihr Leben gerettet hatte, in einen Affen verwandelt! Führen Sie Toki in Dr. Starks Palast, retten Sie Wanda, und stellen Sie Tokis richtige Identität wieder her!


Video Games Ausgabe 2/1992: [Grafik: 47% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 58%]
Toki war in der Originalfassung ein kurzweiliges, grafisch und ideenmäßig wohlproportinoniertes, dabei recht schweres Geschicklichkeits- bzw. Actionspiel. Diese Pseudoumsetzung ist leider das genaue Gegenteil.
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Drückt im Titelbildschirm Up, A, Right, B, Down, C, Left, Start.


An evil wizard has kidnapped your babe and turned you into a spitting monkey. You must use your newfound „ability“ to overcome the many obstacles that stand in your way as you seek to rescue your beloved and regain your humanity. Go figure. Standard platform fare, so far as it goes. It does play some interesting tricks with background perspectives that are rarely seen in such titles.

The hero of the game is a young jungle-man named Toki. One day the evil wizard Dr. Stark kidnaps his girlfriend Wanda. When Toki tries to save her, he is turned into a monkey! Now Toki has to find Dr. Stark in his palace, to rescue Wanda, and to become a human being again! It is a platform game with a lot of various levels: jungle, underwater, volcanic caves, on the ice… Toki's only weapons are spitting on the enemies or jumping on them and crashing them. There are many possibilities to upgrade his spitting „weapon“; for example, if he finds an upgrade, he can spit fireballs. This game is ported from an older arcade version.


megadrive/toki_-_going_ape_spit.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/09/13 12:02 von altersegahase
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