AUTHOR: Virgin / Probe RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Jump & Shoot SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 25€

Kyle Reese, ein einsamer Krieger aus der Zukunft, kehrt in die Vergangenheit zurück, um die Frau zu beschützen, die als einzige den Schlüssel zum Überleben der menschlichen Rasse besitzt. Gemeinsam sehen sie sich nicht nur den Gefahren der Stadt Los Angeles gegenüber, sondern auch der furchtbaren Macht eines Cyborg, der als Termiantor bekannt ist… und den nichts daran hindern kann, sie beide zu töten.


Gamers Ausgabe 4/1992: [Note: 3-]
Gute Grafik, Spitzen-Sound und das Feeling aus dem Film. Jedoch: Unmenschlich schwer, keine Continues oder Paßwörter, spätere Level einfallslos. Wer kein Spitzenspieler ist, wird die höheren Levels nur auf unseren Bildschirmfotos zu Gesicht kriegen.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin
speedrun_by_kchrules video_codec


Alternatives Intro
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In the future, humanity is trapped in a desperate battle for survival with its own creation - the SkyNet computer system, which has deemed mankind unfit for survival. To that end it has created (among many other weapons) the Terminator series of cyborgs - souless killing machines which cannot be distiguished from humans until it is too late. SkyNet's data banks have predicted its ultimate demise at the hands of the humans, so it launches a last desperate effort to survive. By mastering time travel and sending Terminators into the past, it hopes to kill off the human leader John Conner before he can grow into the deadly threat to SkyNet's existence that he will certainly become. Based on the hit series of films that made Austrian actor and former bodybuilding champion Arnold Schwarznegger an international film star. Terminator, was actually the last of the series to be done and is the best of these games.

The Terminator licensed game for the Sega consoles was a fairly standard side-scrolling platform game. However, the game's six levels mirror the story-line of The Terminator movie very closely as you take on the role of Kyle Reese and his quest to save Sarah Connor from termination. Because the game follows the movie so closely, the first mission which involves blowing up the SkyNet computer and escaping through time is one of the hardest and something that most players remember with love/hate.


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