AUTHOR: E.A. RELEASE: 1990 TYP: Side-Scrolling Beat'em Up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 7 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 35€

7 Spielstufen, Spannung und Schrecken in 3D! Feuerspeiende Zombies, dämonische Insektenschwärme! Männliche oder weibliche Hauptrolle, Zaubersprüche in Hülle und Fülle.


ASM Ausgabe 3/1991: [Grafik: 9 Sound: 6 Motivation: 6]
Damals war Sword of Sodan vielleicht noch einen ASM-Hit wert, heute jedoch auf keinen Fall mehr. Es ist eben nur ein Hau-drauf-Spielchen, das schon nach kurzer Spielzeit langweilig wird und spielerisch nichts Neues bietet.
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Level Skip
Qualifiziert euch für Platz 1 in der Hall of Fame und gebt als Namen HINANP an. Startet nun ein neues Spiel und drückt jedesmal Start an Controller 2, wenn Ihr ein Level überspringen wollt. Start a new game and press Start on controller two to jump to the next level.

Potion Combos
Flaming Sword: Drink the Red and Orange potions.
Level skip: Drink four Etherium (gray) potions.
Kill everything on screen: Drink the Orange, Blue and Gray potions.
Shield: Drink the Blue and Gray potions. This may be used to cross the lava on level 6.
Decrease energy: Drink the Blue and Orange potions.
Poison: Drink the Red, Gray, and Blue potions.


A really old and hoary Rastan clone that was released for several different 8-bit platforms back in the mid 1980s. Looks okay, sounds fair, but gameplay is horrid (what gameplay?) despite the improved game engine. www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Like Søren Grønbech's other game Datastorm, Sword of Sodan was most noted on the technical side, as the sprites were large and distinctive-looking. Your task (as either a hero or heroine) is to dethrone the tyrannous Zoras the Necromancer, and avenge his killing of your father. There are 11 levels to take on, with indoor and outdoor settings. Your character has a range of sword-slashing and jumping moves, which must be used to their full effect if you are to make progress. The game features digitised sound and speech, as well as an action-replay feature, an unusual concept outside sports games at the time. www.Mobygames.com
