
AUTHOR: SEGA / Zyrinx RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Shoot'em up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 9 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 35€

Aliens haben die wichtige unterirdische Minen-Kolonie überfall. Sie brauchen blitzschnelle Reflexe und totale Konzentration, um Ihren Kampfschiff-Prototypen durch verwinkelte Höhlen zu steuern, Bergleute zu retten und die Aliens zurück zu schlagen.

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 4/1994: [Grafik: 86% Sound: 84% Gesamt: 81%]
Das interessante Gameplay macht Subterrania zum originellsten Actionspiel seit langem. Die abwechslungsreichen Grafiken machen dank spezieller Zeichentechnik allesamt einen tollen Eindruck. Melodische Soundtracks im Techno-Sound und spektakuläre Effekte sorgen für Hörgenuß erster Güte.
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Aliens have invaded a vital subterranean mining colony. Fly a prototype fighter through impossible caverns to rescue miners and blast the aliens into the darkest pits of space! Having to constantly fight gravity (like in Lunar Lander) can get annoying when you have to worry about enemies shooting at you as well. Not a true shoot 'em up per se, so it won't necessarily appeal to shooter fans - If you can get used to the control system however this is a superb game. www.GenesisProject-Online.de

Aliens have invaded a vital subterranean mining colony. Use light-speed reflexes and total concentration to fly your prototype fighter through impossible caverns rescuing miners and blasting the aliens into the darkest pits of space! Sub-Terrania is not only a shooting game, here you can find some adventure winks. The game consists of 10 missions, on each mission you are placed in a cavernous level with his own weather and you must explore it and complete the mission objectives. Usually you have to collect sub parts, rescue miners, or kill some bosses. You are free to analyze the level as long as you don't run out of fuel or get blown up. www.Mobygames.com
