AUTHOR: Acclaim / Probe RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Jump & Shoot SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 15 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 15€

Durchschreite das StarGate, und betrete eine neue intergalaktische Dimension endloser Action, Gefahren und Abenteuer! Nimm es in mehr als 30 unglaublichen Missionen mit einer unbekannten, feindseligen Welt auf! Mit StarGate läßt Du alles Vertraute eine Million Lichtjahre hinter dir… Wirst Du je wieder zurückfinden?


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1995: [Grafik: 76% Sound: 71% Gesamt: 75%]
Euer Helden-Sprite wurde äußerst geschmeidig animiert, und das Hintergrundlayout sieht sehr ansprechend aus. Es mangelt nur etwas an Farbigkeit und grafischer Abwechslung. Ein Actionspiel der besseren Art. Die nicht optimale Steuerung sowie der leicht monotone Spielverlauf verhindern jedoch eine bessere Wertung.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin

Level Passwort
2 Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Arch
3 Blank, Blank, Arch, Blank, Beetle, Arch, Blank
4 Blank, Blank, Arch, Blank, Beetle, Arch, Arch
5 Blank, Eye, Blank, Blank, Beetle, Beetle, Blank

A special forces Marine batallion has stepped through a Stargate on Earth and wound up on the planet Abydos on the other side of the universe. Now they must fight to survive among the planet's animal life, several tribes of ancient Egyptian descendants, and the planet's intelligent alien population. Based on the hit feature film starring Kurt Russell that later became a television series (starring Richard Dean Anderson). Wow! Great graphics and animation, cool tunes and sound, and gameplay that just borders on frustratingly hard. Has a lot in common with Super Star Wars for the SNES in terms of level design and advancement. If you liked the movie, you'll like the game. If you haven't seen the movie, then you might want to after playing the game.

Based on the movie of the same name, A mystical circular portal called a „Stargate“ has been uncovered. In attempting to unlock it's secrets, it's power is unlocked creating a passageway to a different world named Abydos. A special forces team is sent to the new world to investigate but is soon ambushed and it's supplies taken including a powerful nuclear bomb. As Colonel O'Neil, a variety of objectives must be met starting with the recovery of supplies and the finding of other teammates, including civilian archaeologist Daniel Jackson. Once regrouped, O'Neil must lead the attack on the god, Ra and escape back to Earth before the power of the nuclear bomb can be unleashed on this new world. The game is a side-scroller platform adventure. The player controls O'Neil on a variety of objectives and is armed with a rifle weapon and grenades. Embarking through desert, caverns and nomad towns… eventually to the palace of Ra.


megadrive/stargate.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/08/27 12:27 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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