AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1991 TYP: Jump & Shoot SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 9 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 15€
Der Ruf von Spiderman und das Leben aller Einwohner von New York City stehen auf dem Spiel. Der Kingpin hat seinen bisher teuflischsten Plan in die Wege geleitet, und er hat die gefährlichsten Verbrecher auf seiner Seite. Die Bombe explodiert in vierundzwanzig Stunden…
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GAMERS Special Ausgabe 3: [Grafik: 4+ Sound: 4 Gesamt: 3+]
Stimmungsvolle Zwischensequenzen mit Dialogen zwischen den Charakteren lassen Comic-Feeling aufkommen. Öde Grafik und nervige Musiken mindern den Spielspaß.
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Cheat Modus
Markiere zuerst die Level-Option, halte anschließend Start an Controller 2 und dazu A + B + C an Controller 1. Während diese Knöpfe gedrückt gehalten werden, drückt zusätzlich kurz Up und Up/Right an Controller 1. Eine Änderung beim Schwierigkeitsgrad-Menü wird die korrekte Eingabe bestätigen. Folgende Möglichkeiten ergeben sich nun während des Spieles. Um das Netz wieder aufzuladen, pausiert das Spiel und drückt A. Mit B ladet Ihr eure Energie auf. Taste C macht euch kurzzeitig unverwundbar. Drückt Ihr A + B + C zusammen, gehts ab zum nächsten Level.
Level | Password |
4 | GALLON66 |
5 | FALCON499 |
7 | PUBLIC45 |
8 | KIDNEY2 |
9 | PENCIL6 |
Kommentare |
One of a series of games based on the wall-crawling superhero created by Stan Marvel for Marvel Comics. You would think that with all the different programming houses involved, at least one of these games would do justice to the franchise. They don't. The best of the series is only mediocre, and some are downright obnoxious. Spiderman fans will probably have a field day, but the rest of us will get bored fast. In Spiderman vs. the Kingpin, Spiderman squares off against the infamous mob boss the Kingpin who is bent on taking over the city - not bad for an early effort, and certainly not as obnoxious or pretensious as some of the latter entries in the series.
The city of New York is certainly a great place to be, but not when there's the criminal element running about. Lucky for the NYPD, there's also the heroic Spider-Man on their side! But now one of the biggest criminals in the city, Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. The Kingpin, has pulled of the ultimate plot! He announces to New York that a bomb has been planted somewhere in the city, and that it'll go off in 24 hours! What's worse, he lays the blame on Spider-Man, and now the webslinger is on his own, and on the run from the police. Spidey smells a rat, and he knows what he must do. Spidey has 24 hours to find and disarm that bomb. And he must also clear his name, so he takes his camera to take convincing photos for his Spider-Man hating boss, J. Jonah Jameson, and the police, to prove his innocence. Along the way, he just may run into a few of his *AHEM* „old friends“, including Dr. Octopus, Electro, Mysterio, and ultimately Kingpin himself!