
AUTHOR: Infogrames / Virtual Studio RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 12 SPRACHE: Deutsch WERT: 18€

Gargamel hat beschlossen, alle Schlümpfe einzufangen! Vier Schlümpfe werden schon vermißt. Um sie zu befreien, mußt Du Schwarzschlümpfen und BSS-Mücken entkommen, den Ausgang der Goldmine schlumpfen, Schlitten fahren, auf Storchesrücken fliegen und Gargamel verschlumpfen!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1995: [Grafik: 71% Sound: 68% Gesamt: 76%]
Mainstream-Hüpferei mit vier verschiedenen Akteuren, gehobenem Schwierigkeitsgrad und gutem Leveldesign. Brave Comic-Grafiken mit guter Animation, nichts spektakuläres, aber in jeder Phase ansehnlich. Schlumpfige Melodien der fröhlichen Art, die wenigen Soundeffekte sind eher durchschnittlich.
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Free the Smurfs before Gargamel smurfs then all! Platform game where you will be able to play with the jockey smurf, the brainy smurf, the greedy smurf and the hefty smurf to resolve the adventure. All of the classic SMURF characters are along for the adventure, guaranteeing you a Smurf-tastic time. www.Mobygames.com

Now you can relive the magic and wonder of the cute little blue guys, created by the Belgian artist Peyo, in this series of arcade games for the MegaDrive. The Smurfs live in the forest and pretty much smurf to themselves, except when that nasty wizard Gargamel takes it upon himself to smurf with them. Each smurf has his own talent except for Smurfette, but she doesn't need one - she's the only female Smurf in the whole village! Now that you have the frame, you can smurf the picture by smurfing the games. In The Smurfs, Hefty Smurf gets the unenviable task of rescuing four fellow Smurfs from the clutches of Gargamel the wizard. Like Disney's platformers, these games are every bit as good graphically, but even more sparsely populated with enemies and less fun to play. www.GenesisProject-Online.com


megadrive/smurfs.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/08/27 11:47 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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