
AUTHOR: Amblin Entertainment / Appaloosa Interactive RELEASE: 1997 TYP: Action SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 35€

Der Kino-Hit des Jahres kommt für das Megadrive! Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines hartgesottenen Dinosaurier-Jägers. Vier gigantische Level mit je drei Unterlevels werden Sie in Atem halten!





Funktion Passwort
Red Uniform REDHUNT
Level Select MAGICBOX
1 vs. 1 CIVILWAR
Level 2 AMQ4VL2A
Level 3 4A4SOMCK
Level 4 CAKK4CQK
Level 5 A8MJI4KM
Level 6 9MO5RK58
Level 7 F0UDISCU
Level 8 NS22IAH2
Level 9 NKAQ26TA
Level 10 4OMIOBD6
Level 11 EM8P1558
Level 12 UEGH1PPG
Level 14 7Q42D9R4
Level 15 V4OLRCPO
Level 16 RA4T9FQK
Level 17 LKAQ1E7A

„Welcome to Jurassic Park.“ This is the only place in the world where dinosaurs still roam the earth, having been genetically recreated from eons-old DNA samples. Unfortunately, they've proven too much to handle for the park resources, and now have the run of the place. Can you carry out your various tasks without becoming a quick meal for one of them? Based on the hit feature films by producer Steven Speilberg, both of which were derived from the novels by author Michael Crichton. On the whole, better than most other movie tie-ins. Great sound, great graphics, good gameplay, decent stage design. Jurassic Park - The Lost World, is a top-down multiplayer shooter in the same vein as The Chaos Engine - this was the very last commercially released G/MD game in the United States until Majesco's issue of Frogger over a year later. www.GenesisProject-Online.com


megadrive/jurassic_park_-_the_lost_world.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/08/02 21:26 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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