AUTHOR: Toaplan / NCS RELEASE: 1990 TYP: Shoot'em up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 60€

Super Mech, eine bösartige Macht, verschlingt unsere Galaxis, und nur Sie können uns retten! Steuern Sie HELLFIRE, die ultimative Waffe, durch sechs Abschnitte rasanter Action und Horden todbringender Feinde. Sie müssen überleben, denn ohne Ihre Hilfe sind wir verloren!


Gamers Ausgabe 2/1992: [Note: 3]
Nix Neues im Weltraum. Aliens und Geballer wie üblich. Für Fans des Genres kein Fehlkauf, aber wer sich nicht alle Action-Module zulegen will, der kann ruhigen Gewissens drauf verzichten.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Expert Modus
Wähle in den Options den Schwierigkeitsgrad „Hard“. Warte bis zur Meldung „Yeah, Right“. Das Spiel wird nun noch einen Zacken schärfer sein. Alternativ kann man den Modus auch im Soundtest-Menü starten, in dem man Track 8 einmal durchhört.


As the dropship deposits you in the battlezone, you try to get in the right frame of mind for what's ahead. „There is no right frame of mind for this,“ you hear a voice inside your head say. „Wha-?“ you mutter. „That's right,“ it says, „this is just another mindless blastathon. Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah!“ And with that, the first wave of aliens descent upon your tiny fighter… A straightforward R-Type clone with an awkward weapons system which reners it almost unplayable. -

Horizontal space shooter, arcade conversion from Toaplan's original game. What sets this shooter apart from many other horizontal space shooters is that you choose the direction of your shots at any time between forward, backward, upward+downward and 4-way diagonal. The 4-way diagonal shot is usually the most effective and makes for some interesting gameplay setups, such as stationary guns you can only reach by passing them (while avoiding their shots) and then placing yourself diagonally above them. There is also a bomb to take out multiple enemies. The game has a standard set of pickups: P icons for powering the weapons, S icons for increasing ship speed, B icons for bombs, and score icons. There is not much of a plot in this game, you arrive by a dropship, only to face a large number of enemies at once, and you fly through each level trying to take everything out, R-Type style. -


megadrive/hellfire.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/22 06:55 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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