AUTHOR: Time Warner Int. RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Action Adventure SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 30€

In Generations Lost machen Sie sich auf die größte Suche Ihres Lebens. In der Rolle des furchtlosen Monobe versuchen Sie, ein faszinierendes Rätsel zu lösen. Auf Ihrem Weg durch sechs völlig verschiedene, anspruchsvolle Abschnitte einer geheimnisvollen, geplagten Welt sammeln Sie Hinweise und entdecken nach und nach Ihre eigenen besonderen Kräfte. Unaufhaltsam kommen Sie dabei dem Gut näher, das Sie höher schätzen als alles andere - der Wahrheit. Entdecken Sie Generations Lost - das vielseitige, fesselnde Strategieabenteuer!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1995: [Grafik: 47% Sound: 50% Gesamt: 55%]
Alles schon mal dagewesen, und meistens sogar in spannenderer Form.
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Like the brilliant Earthworm Jim, Generations Lost sees you in charge of an electropowered super suit with strange powers, but unlike Earthworm Jim you don't have a cool name. Instead you are known as 'Monobe' - boy, life in the schoolyard must have been tough. With those schoolyard taunts such as „Monobe's a Moron“ still ringing in your ears you set out - a hardened tribal warrior, with a lust for discovery and danger. It is basically a Flashback clone. Now admittedly this would be about as popular as a rectal cough in an elevator if it were released on SNES, but because Generations is a G/MD title it is more welcome, as we haven't seen too many games of its ilk throbbing away in the black box. www.GenesisProject-Online.com

In „Generations Lost“ you take the role of Monobe, an adventurer on the search for the past of his people. The figure of Monobe is drawn with many details. Because of his magic armour he is able to do a huge number of movement possibilities. Beside running and jumping, Monobe can roll on the ground, deliver blows with hands and feet and he can shot energy balls. With the help of an energy rope Monobe can swing from platform to platform. Most of the time, Monobe has to solve several puzzles, find secret switches and survive deadly traps. The game is split into six areas which you can reach with the „Magic Box“ teleporter. www.Mobygames.com
