^[[megadrive:e|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE E]]^
**AUTHOR: **SEGA **RELEASE:** 1992 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Action Adventure]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 20 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 15€
Sie sind Ecco, ein starker junger Delphin. Ein mysteriöser Sturm hat Ihre Familie im Meer zerstoben. Sie müssen sie wiederfinden und dabei große Unterwasser-Reiche voller Verrat, Schönheit und Abenteuer durchreisen. Erforschen Sie über 25 gigantische Spielstufen mit Geheimnissen und schwimmenden Feinden.
{{megadrive:klein_ecco1.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_ecco2.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_ecco3.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_ecco4.jpg?232}}
**SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993:** [Grafik: 85% Sound: 91% Gesamt: 84%] \\
//Sehr flüssige Animationen, sowie detaillierte Grafiken. Es fehlt nur etwas an Abwechslung. Nach wie vor ein wahrhaft tolles, wie innovatives Spiel, das an der einen oder anderen Stellen einen Tick zu langatmig geraten ist.//\\
{{md_ecco_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}}
**GAMERS Ausgabe 2/1993:** [Grafik: 2 Sound: 3 Gesamt: 2-] \\
//Eine gute neue Spielidee mit wunderschöner Grafik - Ecco hat das Zeug zum Bestseller-Modul.//\\
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{{files_ecco.zip|TV Spot 1992}} \\
[[http://project2612.org/details.php?id=22/|{{Original Soundtrack}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/in_vgm034.zip|{{(WinAmp PlugIn)}}]] \\
//ECCO's pod is mysteriously swept into the sky leaving him all alone. The evil Vortex is harvesting the oceans of all life for food. Help ECCO on his quest to find his pod and save the earth.
The ECCO games are a little hard to pigeon hole, the G3 calls them Platformers but I think Action Adventure would probably be more accurate. The graphics and sound are excellent in this game. You must use ECCO's abilities to navigate around the maze like levels and their is a heavy slant towards puzzles so you'll need your thinking caps on for this game. ECCO inherits new abilities as the game progresses to aid in your quest, the most useful one is when gain the ability to breathe underwater which means that you don't have to find air pockets every couple of minutes. It can get quite tough later on in the game but it's well worth pressing on as this is one of SEGA's crowning achievements. //- www.GenesisProject-Online.com
//Travel through the time along with Ecco the dolphin, in the only game that could call itself a "dolphin simulator". Indeed, you can do pretty much everything a typical dolphin does (or at least everying that is featured in flipper the dolphin), including eating fishes, surface in order to breath, using your neat biological sonar and of course jump out of the water to amaze your friends. The storyline is actually deeper that one may think by looking at the box illustration. As Ecco, you are the only dolphin which managed to escape from the giant whirlpool who sucked down its entire pod. The five shining stars on your front show you are the chosen one to save them. But that task will be not be an easy one, as you will have to travel time and space with the Atlantean time machine, and meet the mystical Asterite in order to defeat the vortex queen.// - www.Mobygames.com