
AUTHOR: Acclaim / Virgin RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 10 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 90€

Ein Cop. Ein Krimineller. Eine Mission: Vernichte den anderen Mann zuerst! Du bist John Spartan! Frisch aufgetaut aus dem San Angeles Cryogefängnis mußt Du, mit Gewehren, Magnums und Granaten bewaffnet, hinter dem Schwerverbrechner Simon Phoenix herjagen. Dabei gerätst Du in 10 explosive Levels voller Action.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 12/1995: [Grafik: 64% Sound: 65% Gesamt: 60%]
Die Grafiken erhielten einen düsteren Endzeit-Anstrich mit wenigen Details. Leider nur eine knallharte Brutalo-Ballerei der konventionellen Art für den Pixel-Stallone.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Pausiere das Spiel und drücke Left, Right, A, B, B.


You are a recently thawed-out 20th century cop who had a reputation for being just a little trigger happy. In a future that knows no crime, you have been revived to deal with a violent criminal from your own time who was revived by mistake and is running rampant. Based on the live-action movie of the same name starring Sly Stallone and Wesley Snipes. Decent arcade take on the better-than-expected film. Smacks strongly of The Chaos Engine or Alien Syndrome and just as fun, although a two-player option would have been nice. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Game based on the movie with the same name and story. You are John Spartan, the country´s most fearsome cop among the bad guys in the year 1995-96. You hunt your nemesis Simon Phoenix, the most fearsome bad guy in the year 1995-96. You get that bastard and put him in jail, and after that you and Simons bodies are freezing down for savings. Everything is fine until sometime in the year 2000, Simon breaks free from the CryCon-jail and starts terror the city again. To stop him, the police awakes John Spartan. - www.Mobygames.com


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