
AUTHOR: Codemasters RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run / Adventure SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 60 SPRACHE: Deutsch / Englisch WERT: 30€

Tauche mit allen Sinnen in diese riesige außerirdische Odyssee kosmischer Entdeckungen im Stil der 50er Jahre ein! Wahnsinnsabenteuer, Arcade-Action und Super-Zwischenspiele machen Cosmic Spaceheads Versuch, die Existenz der Erde zu beweisen, zu einem irren Spaß!

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1993: [Grafik: 78% Sound: 86% Gesamt: 71%]
Niedlich! Putzig! Herzallerliebst! Schon allein die drollige Grafik und vor allem der umwerfende Soundtrack sind eine mittlere Sensation. Daß die ganze Story auch mit deutschen Bildschirmtexten abläuft und man zudem einige grafisch recht spartanische, aber ungemein unterhaltsame Ballerspielchen für zwei Joypads auf´s Modul gebannt hat, macht Cosmic zu einer der innovativsten Neuheiten fürs Mega Drive.
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A Maniac Mansion style adventure with a juvenile bent featuring a pint-sized superhero. I wish I could recall what Derek „Seconal“ Hull had to say in his review back in the days of The Dump, because he put it better than I ever could. Lacking that, I'll just say, „This is a stupid game.“. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Linus had crash landed on a distant planet called Earth, and made his way back home again. Trouble is, no one believes his tale of the planet he discovered! Your job is to help Linus make his way back to planet Earth so he can take some pictures to convince his friends. Gameplay consists of two parts, an adventure and arcade action. In adventure mode you can explore lands, find objects, and talk to people. Sentences can be constructed by using the pointer to select actions or objects on the screen (This is similar to the interface Lucasarts used in games such as Maniac Mansion.) To reach many new locations involves the action mode, where you will need to cross treacherous landscapes and evade dangerous creatures. This portion resembles a side scrolling platform game. Once you've cleared an action sequence, you will not need to do so again if you decide to revisit a location. Whenever you wish you can receive a password allowing you to continue the game later from the same point. - www.Mobygames.com


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