
AUTHOR: Konami RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 150€

CastleVania - die neue Generation! Ein Alptraum, der dir in 6 Leveln einen kalten Schauer nach dem anderen den Rücken hinunterjagt und das Blut in den Adern gefrieren läßt. Du mußt eine Vampier-Dame, die Gräfin Bartley, daran hindern, den Herrscher alles Bösen wieder zum Leben zu erwecken - den Grafen Dracula.

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1994: [Grafik: 72% Sound: 80% Gesamt: 71%]
Schwacher Auftakt mit holpriger Animation, stark am Schluß. Stimmungsgeladene Musiktitel, eventuell ein Tick zu schnell. Ein gutes Spiel für Horrorfreunde und solche, die es werden wollen.
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The only game in the Castlevania line to be released for the Genesis, this one follows the exploits of two vampire hunters as they battle a mysterious countess bent on reviving Count Dracula. Features your choice of two characters, the usual solid Castlevania gameplay, [outstanding] graphics, and lots and lots of blood. I don't like it as well as Castlevania IV [for the SNES], but it's still worth a try. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

In the year 1917, evil had threatened to rise up again in Transylvania. A young lady named Elizabeth Bartley, who was tried as a witch and killed centuries before, was planning to resurrect the Prince of Darkness, Count Dracula, once again. The latest of the Belmont lineage, John Morris, and his friend Eric Lecarde, must now travel across Europe to the Palace of Versailles in France, where Bartley is planning the resurrection. And in their way stands Dracula's strongest followers yet… - www.Mobygames.com


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