
AUTHOR: SEGA / Disney RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Geschick SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 34 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 45€

Der coole Polizist Bonkers D. Bobcat will Mitarbeiter des Monats werden. Er jagt die bösen Jungs - mit Donuts! Von haarsträubenden Jagden auf den Freeways von LA bis zu kniffligen Puzzel im Warenhaus, Bonkers muß in diesem Cartoon-Spiel alle Register ziehen.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 06/1995: [Grafik: 57% Sound: 51% Gesamt: 59%]
Bonkers ist ein Kinderspiel und muß als solches auch bewertet werden. Die insgesamt vier Spielchen sind nach heutigen Maßstäben natürlich viel zu simpel und vor allem zu einfach zu lösen. Sie eignen sich daher nur für die jüngsten Videospieleinsteiger.
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The game is based on the Disney TV series of the same name. Bonkers is a bob-cat police officer. One day, he reads in a newspaper that a contest for the best policeman is announced. Since his partner is away, Bonkers decides that would be the best opportunity to grab the first prize. In order to win the contest, Bonkers has to catch four famous criminals. Catching each one of the criminals is a separate mini-game. The first one involves you running horizontally in a museum room and throwing doughnuts at thieves who are trying to steal valuable things. In the second one, you try to lock a criminal in a yard by quickly building a brick wall around him. In the third one, you must find clothes hidden in crates before a bomb explodes. Finally, the fourth and last game involves you driving a car from top-down view, chasing a criminal. Each mini-game also features a unique bonus game, which you get when you successfully complete three games with gradually advancing difficulty in a row. - www.Mobygames.com

Arcade game based on the syndicated Disney televison series about a police mascot who has his own unique talents for solving crimes. Graphically not on a par with most Disney titles, and gameplay is ridiculously easy. Save this one for the kiddies. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com


megadrive/bonkers.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/17 12:51 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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