AUTHOR: Innerprise / E.A. RELEASE: 1990 TYP: Shoot'em up SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 40€
Bereiten Sie einen Doppelangriff vor! Ergattern Sie neue Waffen! Superbomben und Chamäleonschiffe!
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Gamers Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 3 Sound: 3 Gesamt: 2-]
Battle Squadron bietet grundsoliden Ballerstoff. Zwar sind die Endgegner ziemlich primitiv und die Technik nicht überragend, aber beides wird durch den famosen 2-Spieler-Modus ausgeglichen.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin
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Kommentare |
You, a humble fighter jock in the Earth Defense Fleet, are all that stands between the planet Terrania and the hordes of the Barrax Empire. Oh, and while your at it, would you mind rescuing a couple of your fellow pilots who are being held prisoner by the enemy? Reminds me an awful lot of the original Xenon, except that its pastel colors seem garish and it lacks Xenon's techno soundtrack. Otherwise, it's lots of fun. -
Battle Squadron is a classic arcade style shooter for 1 or 2 players.You take a space ship and fly it over a high tech hostile surface, and then into an organic setting. You can control the number of 'credits' you have from 1 to 3. You choose how many lives you get. You also get to choose the max number of enemy bullets and their speed. You get powerups along the way that modify your weapons, and also the „Nova Smart Bomb“. -