AUTHOR: Acclaim RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Side-Scrolling Beat'em Up SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: 80 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 30€

Jetzt kann´s richtig losgehen mit Batman Forever! Batman und Robin kämpfen im Doppel gegen Gotham Citys finstere Verbrecher. Mit mehr al 125 atemberaubenden Angriffstechniken, knallharten Kampfbewegungen und einem unglaublichen Waffenarsenal stellt sich das Dynamic Duo den diabolischen Gangstergehirnen von Two-Face und dem The Riddler!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 10/1995: [Grafik: 86% Sound: 52% Gesamt: 80%]
Da staunt der Laie und der Fachmann wundert sich: Klasse Animationen, furiose Explosionen, ansehnliches Parallax-Scrolling! Dank der aufwendigen Grafik kommt die Atmosphäre des Leinwand-Vorbilds voll rüber. Das Geld für Batman Forever ist gut angelegt!
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Drückt im Hauptmenü Left, Up, Left, Left, A, B.


„Riddle me this, riddle me that - who's afraid of the big bad bat?“ Once again, masochistic masters of crime are rampaging 'round Gotham City. This time, it's the animated antics of the rapscallious Riddler with the help of the horrible Two-Face that threatens the peace of Gotham. It's up to the compound crafts of the Dyanamic Duo to decidedly deuce this troublesome twosome. Inspired by the mediocre in-your-face live-action movie starring Val Kilmer, Chris McDonnell, Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, and Tommy Lee Jones; itself based on the original characters created by Bob Kane for DC Comics. Far from being the standard movie tie-in, this game is actually a commendable effort. It's no Mortal Combat, and your character choices are limited to just Batman and Robin, but it does have a host of fighting moves and fairly decent enemies. If only the levels weren't so repetetive, then this might have been a must-buy. As it is, it's a game that all fans of the Dark Knight will love. -

Batman Forever is the officially licensed game based on the 1995 movie. The bad guys this time around are The Riddler and Two-Face. This game is an usual hybrid of side-scrolling platformer and one-on-one fighter. You make your way through levels that include some platform jumping elements, but you typically take on opponents one at a time like in a fighting game. You arsenal includes a lot of nifty bat-gadgets, and a collection of fighting moves that are unleashed with special button combinations. The graphics were rendered completely with digitized actors and objects, but none of the actors from the movie make an appearance in the game. -


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