Developer & Publisher: Core Design Part Number: T-115035-50 Release: 1994 Genre: 3D Action Player: 1 Level: 23 Language: Englisch / German Value: ~11€ Scarcity: 3

Tausend Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt überfallen die Mykroiden ahnungslose Welten und saugen das Leben aus jedem Planeten heraus. Nun stehen Sie vor der entscheidenen Auseinandersetzung… Das bisher technisch aufwendigste Spiel für Mega-CD - flüssige 3D-Grafik im Full-Screen-Format und ein bombastischer HiFi-Sound sorgen für Action und Atmosphäre wie im Kino!

Ever wanted to travel halfway across the universe in a warship the size of a city? How about flying a supercharged, sub-light craft into the gruesomely ghastly depths of the Myrkoid starbase? Then strap yourself into your Agressor - a multi-role combat vehicle - and fly, drive and blast your way across the SoulStar planetary system in this progressive, 3D arcade shoot-em-up.


GAMERS Ausgabe 11/1994: [Grafik: 1- Sound: 1- Gesamt: 2-]
Packende Grafiken und Sounds, gute Ausnutzung der Möglichkeiten des Mega-CD. […] Das technisch hervorragende Spiel kränkelt leider etwas an der hakeligen Steuerung und der Unübersichtlichkeit in manchen Situationen, hier hätte man noch etwas an der Spielbarkeit herumfeilen sollen.
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Soulstar for the Sega CD/Mega CD is a 3D shoot-'em up that combines several different types of gameplay into one game. Some levels in this game are on a fixed path, similar to Space Harrier or Star Fox. Other levels allow your space craft to hover freely around a 3D environment, and in other levels your craft transforms into a walker robot for close-up attacks. In Soulstar you are a warrior pilot known as Bryk Hammelt. It is your mission to prevent an alien aggressor known as the Myrkoids from draining the Soulstar system of its energy resources.

An excellent space shooter from Core Design. In each level the player controls one of 3 vehicles - a space craft with 2 degrees of freedom, a VTOL craft with full freedom of movement, or a walker. Difficulty is not selectable, but rather determined by which warp gate the player selects inside the alien mother ship at the end of the first level, and all 6 levels across 3 difficulty settings must be cleared to complete the game. The enhanced scaling abilities of the Mega-CD are again used to good effect, though the screen can sometimes become cluttered, and the symphonic sound track suits the action surprisingly well. SoulStar makes use of the 6-button pad but is perfectly playable with a standard pad. Note that the 2-player mode is cooperative rather than hotseat play. A demo CD was given away with an issue of Mega Power, followed by a 2-in-1 demo disc which also contained the first level of Battlecorps (free with Mega Power issue 14). The demo was then re-released with issue 49 of Sega Pro CD as the SoulStar Paragon Publishing demo.

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