AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Adventure SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 7 SPRACHE: Eng. / D. / Fr. / Sp. WERT: 13€ - 20€

Auf einer sturmgepeitschten Insel lauern urzeitliche Wesen in den Schatten des Dschungels. Können Sie die Rätsel lösen und die Dinosaurier-Eir retten, bevor irgend etwas Grauenvolles Sie zum Frühstück verspeist? Exklusiv für Mega-CD - ein völlig neues Game-Design. Brilliante Grafiken und realistische Full-Motion-Video-Sequenzen sorgen für unglaubliche Kino-Atmosphäre!

On a storm-ravaged island, something primordial lurks in every jungle shadow. Can you solve the clues and salvage the dinosaur eggs before something nasty has you for breakfast.


GAMERS Ausgabe 5/1994: [Grafik: 2 Sound: 3+ Gesamt: 3+]
Alter Titel, neues Spiel: Auch die MCD-Version unterscheidet sich deutlich von den bisherigen Umsetzungen.
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Mega Fun Ausgabe 3/1994: [Grafik: 82% Sound: 78% Gesamt: 75%]
Wer die Modulversion kennt, wird überrascht auf den Bildschirm starren, denn die CD-Variante unterscheidet sich gewaltig von dem wenig erbaulichen Modul. Zwar ist das Spielprinzip auf kleine Rätsel und Geschicklichkeitseinlagen begrenzt, doch ist dank der tollen Grafik und des Sounds sowie der passablen Hintergrundstory viel Atmosphäre vorhanden und man bewegt sich mit wachsender Begeisterung über die Insel. Überhaupt wirkt das ganze Spiel ziemlich real, auch wenn das häufige Nachladen von CD manchmal etwas störend ist.






This is the Sega CD game based on the 1993 Steven Spielberg movie based on the book by Michael Crichton. This game differs greatly from other Jurassic Park games. It is a point-and-click adventure game, with a strong emphasis on action sequences which require split-second timing. The story takes place after the events of the movie/book. You are sent back to Jurassic Park to retrieve dinosaur eggs from around the park and put them in an incubator. You only have 12 hours to retrieve one egg from every species of dino in the park. Unfortunately, shortly before arriving at the park, your helicopter crashes! www.Mobygames.com

No, not a conversion of the abysmal cartridge title - this one's actually quite good. In the role of a daring scientist you must retrieve at least one egg from each of the seven dinosaur species on the island for safe keeping before sundown. The problem is that Mum and Dad dinosaur aren't going to be too happy about someone wandering off with their brood. Once the eggs are in your hand you have to rush them back to the incubator in the Visitor's Centre before they become too cold and die, rendering them worthless. The game is tradition puzzle & adventure style, with pre-rendered backdrops (think Myst) separated by brief FMV sequences between locations. Pushing the cursor all the way left or right smoothly scrolls the view around through 360 degrees (though for some reason occasional locations are viewed from four pre-determined points rather than freely moving), whilst passing over item of interest changes the crosshair to a magnifying glass to let you know you've found something useful, including tools used in minor puzzles and electronic keycards that open up new areas of the complex. Non-lethal weapons such as stun guns and gas grenades are also to be found but are in short supply and only provide a brief respite from the annoyed dino that's chasing you through the jungle. Also scattered are video booths (this place used to be for tourists, remember?) that provide useful information about the beasts in the area ahead - generally yes, it will kill / eat you and no, you can't outrun it. The rendered backdrops are well drawn and moving sprites placed on top of them don't look out of place. Sadly the video area is amazingly small, being full-width but only taking up the middle half of the screen. Whilst the movement points between screens are easy to find and click on it can make moving back and forth between locations laborious - there's no shortcuts available to travel between points you've already discovered. Jungle noises are constant but not enough to become annoying, and hearing the deep thud and roar of a passing T-Rex whilst the screen view jumps up and down is a worrying experience as you slowly rotate the view to find out exactly where it is. The quest has to be completed in 12 game hours, though the exact time available will vary as the clock jumps to allow for travel between locations. Thankfully a save option is available so you don't have to do the whole thing in one sitting. All in all, a surprisingly good game, especially for a film licence that produced such an atrocious cartridge title. You won't be blasting dinosaurs left, right and centre (or even at all) but you will be made to think on the move and occasionally hang on the edge of your seat - and have great fun whilst doing so. A version with early style covers was also released, and so far seems only to appear in Australia. Several translated versions were released, in French, German and Spanish, all with the later style covers. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

Wow, this is so much different than what I had expected. Instead of a side-scrolling shoot-em-up like the Genesis version, this is an odd point-and-click adventure. I think I know what Sega had in mind. They wanted this Sega CD version to take the gamer to the „next level“, by creating an immersive virtual Jurassic Park environment to explore. By moving a cursor over a first-person view of your surroundings, you move from area to area, checking out the scenery and collecting items to solve puzzles. There are a few „aim the cursor“ shooting sequences, but in general the pace of the game is slow and involves a lot of trial and error. Just move the cursor all over the place, and when it turns into a hand or a magnifying glass, you know you've found something. Whether you enjoy this edition of Jurassic Park or not depends on your frame of mind. The first time I played it, I was in the mood for action and it just bored me. The second time however, I had mentally prepared myself for a thought-provoking adventure, so it wasn't so bad. Still, some of the puzzles don't make any sense, and I hate when the screen simply goes black when you die - causing you to wonder what the heck just happened. The scenery is strictly Genesis quality, and the pathways between areas all look the same after a while, making it easy to get lost. Even the educational aspect is weak. When you consult the Paleontologist about a specific dinosaur, he says one lousy sentence. As for the „sense-boggling“ Q-Sound the game box raves about, well, I didn't even notice it. I'll give Sega credit for trying something different, but Jurassic Park for the Sega CD lacks the thrills and excitement of its namesake. www.videogamecritic.net

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