AUTHOR: Core Design / Sony RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 14€

Begleiten Sie Chuck Rock bei diesem tumultösen Abenteuer aus der Frühgeschichte, wo statt Kissen Felsbrocken geschmissen werden, und helfen Sie ihm, die süße Ophelia aus den behaarten Klauen von Gary Gritter zu befrien. Machen Sie sich gefaßt auf Begegnungen mit prähistorischen Kreaturen, von denen einige freundlich, die meisten jedoch unverhohlen aggressiv sind, und spitzen Sie die Ohren für den härtesten Rocksound, der je in einem Spiel zu hören war. Eine unsentimentale Inszenierung einer Liebesgeschichte.

Guide Chuck Rock as he goes on a belly bashing, rock throwing frenzy to rescue his cave babe Ophelia from the hairy-palmed clutches of Gary Gritter. There's a whole world of prehistoric creatures to meet on the way, some of them helpful but most of them downright aggressive, and the hardest 'hard rockin' rock soundtrack to appear on a game ever. All in the name of love and large tummies.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1994: [Grafik: 70% Sound: 90% Gesamt: 78%]
Bis auf die Musik eine 1:1 Konvertierung! Wer ein Mega CD 2 besitzt, sollte sich Chuck Rock unbedingt zulegen!
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Chuck Rock is your typical average cave man. He likes to spend his Sunday afternoons watching football and drinking beer. Unfortunately, his peaceful existence is interrupted one day when his wife, Ophelia Rock, is kidnapped by the village wierdo, Gary Gritter. So, Chuck is rather upset about this whole situation and you have to help him make things right. The game is a side-scrolling platformer. Chuck fights of a variety of dinosaurs using his belly-buster attack and a jump kick. Occasionally he has to pick up and throw rocks to defeat enemies and allow him to jump to greater heights.

This CD conversion of the cartridge classic doesn't disappoint. Join Chuck on an endlessly humorous adventure through prehistoric landscapes to rescue his girlfriend. All the usual platform level suspects are present - underwater sections (with oxygen meter), ice levels (with reduced friction) and end-of-level monsters to be defeated to progress. Each area is split into short chunks to avoid the player having to repeatedly cover old ground if they lose a life, and a nice short password system means you can save your progress. Both the sprites and backgrounds are wonderfully animated, with new enemies for each section rather than recycling old ones with a change of palette. Sound effects are crystal clear and match the cartoon design perfectly. An excellent cartoon intro (pity about the really tragic voice-over), CD audio soundtrack, a new but rather useless map and some minor graphical touches make this preferable to, but not a replacement for, the cartridge version. This game came in a large US-style box. A variation with a blue stripe cover and English only manual was also released. Although the part number printed on the manual is the same, the English only version is usually differentiated by a sticker on the outside of the box.

I really wasn't expecting much from Chuck Rock CD, but its colorful graphics and decent music helped get over some of the strange gameplay in this fairly short platformer. Sadly, it seems that 2D platformers have nearly become just as extinct as the dinosaurs in this game (except on handheld consoles it seems), so it holds up as a refreshing change of pace. Chuck Rock CD delivers nostalgic hop and bop fun, in a bright carefree world. The strange method of attacking and the short play time hurts the game, but as it stands, Chuck Rock CD is a somewhat rocking trip back in time, even if it only lasts for a short while.

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