AUTHOR: Core Design / SEGA RELEASE: 1995 TYP: 3rd-Person Racing SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: 32 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 17€

Der coole Cliff Ace präsentiert sich seiner Höhlen-Braut Roxy von der besten Seite und nimmt sie mit zum abgefahrensten 3D-Rennen der Vorzeit! Auf ihrem Dino-getriebenen Dirtbike rasen sie durch 32 chaotische Cartoon-Levels und setzen sich dabei gegen steinharte Hardrock-Rennfahrer durch!

Cool n' crazy Cliff Ace is gettin' in some quality time with his cave-babe Roxy as they speed n' smash their way on a dino-powered dirtbike through 32 howlin' heats in a madcap, 3D, cartoon race against a hardrock host of rocky racers! 2-player co-operative.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1995: [Grafik: 83% Sound: 73% Gesamt: 80%]
Äußerst humorvolles und technisch hervorragendes Fun-Rennspiel, allerdings fehlt ein echter Zwei-Spieler-Modus und genaueres Fahrverhalten.
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BC Racers is a kart racing game starring characters from the Core Design's Chuck Rock series of games. Each of the racers in this game rides a prehistoric motorcycle with a side car. On each two-character team, one person drives the motorcycle, and the other fights off opponents using clubs, punches, kicks, etc. Graphics in BC Racers consist of a flat landscape decorated with scaled sprites to compose the track and scenery. www.Mobygames.com

Mario Kart style racing featuring characters from the Chuck Rock series. Whilst it doesn't have that something that makes Mario Kart so special, this is a very solid and enjoyable game. The sound effects are a little rough, but the graphics are sharp and fluid. An excellent cartoon-style intro opens the game, and the four selectable difficulties include different tracks (8 each for 4 difficulties) rather than just increasing your opponent's abilities. There are no pick-ups or speed boost pads, just standard attacks to the left and right, with a turbo granted after each lap completed. Only a tournament mode is available - there are no time trial or challenge levels that would have added a little life to the game, and the 2-player mode is co-operative only - but this title is excellent whilst it lasts. This game supports the 6-button pad, but is perfectly playable with a standard pad. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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