AUTHOR: Domark RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 12 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: MK-27022-50 EAN: 5022231210428 WERT: 18 Euro
Die mit Hilfe von Hunderten von Filmausschnitten gestalteten Animationsfolgen wirken so unheimlich lebensecht, dass Sie bereits in den ersten Sekunden gefesselt sein werden. Ihre Geschicklichkeit im Schwertkampf wird bis zum äußersten getestet, während Sie herausgefordert sind, das Rätsel dieses erstaunlichen Spiels zu lösen. Zahlreiche Geheimgänge, fantastische Räume, brutale Gegner und magische Tränke warten auf Sie bei Ihren Bemühungen, die Pläne des bösen Großwesirs Jaffar zu vereiteln und die schöne Prinzessin zu retten, um Prinz von Persien zu werden.
Taken from hundreds of movie clips the animated sequences are so uncannily human you will be addicted in seconds. Your sword fighting skills will be tested to the full in this amazing puzzle solving challenge. A multitude of secret passages, fantastic rooms, violent opponents and magic potions await you in a bid to foil the evil Grand Vizier Jaffar and rescue the beautiful princess to become the PRINCE OF PERSIA.
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Codes |
Stage 2 DHKFCL
Stage 3 FIIHDP
Stage 4 KMJLHH
Stage 5 MNIMIL
Stage 7 MJMJFF
Stage 8 KGGGCO
Stage 11 QIJLGI
Stage 12 PHEJEX
Princess PDCICO
Pro Action Replay Codes
00C2 9208 Infinite Lives
Kommentare |
While the Sultan of Persia is fighting a war in a foreign country, his Grand Vizier Jaffar orchestrates a coup d'état. His way to the throne lies through the Sultan's lovely daughter. Jaffar kidnaps her and threatens to kill her if she refuses to marry him. Meanwhile, the man the Princess loves is thrown into the dungeon. He has only one hour to escape from his prison, defeat the guards on his way, and stop Jaffar before the terrible marriage takes place. Prince of Persia is a 2D platformer that is commonly regarded as a progenitor of the cinematic platform genre. Rather than following the more common jump-and-run mechanics, it focuses on careful advancement through fairly complex levels, emphasizing the protagonist's vulnerability and survival aspect. Rotoscoping technique is used to give more realism to the animation of the characters' movements. The protagonist must avoid deadly traps, solve some simple jumping and environmental puzzles (such as stepping on pressure plates to raise portcullis), and engage in sword fights with the guards. The player character has an infinite amount of lives, but has to restart at the beginning of a level each time he dies, and must complete the game within an hour. The hero starts with three units of health, which can be replenished with small health potions or permanently increased with large jars. The Game Boy Color and SNES versions of the game feature additional levels and new enemies. The Genesis version has a new intro, an altered set of graphics and four new levels. -
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