---- ^[[mastersystem:p|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE P]]^ ---- **AUTHOR: ** Sega **RELEASE:** 1988 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Action|Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 13 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-8006-50 **EAN:** 4974365635060 **WERT:** 45 Euro ---- Halten Sie Ihre Augen am Horizont und lassen Sie Ihren Finger am Abzug zucken in dieser 3-D-Seeschlacht von Sega. Gegenüber Sturzkampfbombern, Raketen und Torpedos, die Sie ins nasse Grab schicken möchten, benötigen Sie alle Fähigkeiten und Glück, um Ihren Kampfkreuzer über Wasser zu halten und den Feind zu besiegen. Battle Stations! Battle Stations! Your country is being attacked. You'll be fighting on the U.S.S. Poseidon; an armor-plated attack cruiser with radar, sonar, 76mm cannons and surface-to-surface missiles. First come the training rounds. They'll throw everything they have at you..jets, cruisers, torpedoes, cannons. And then the fun really starts! Combat missions! You're on the open seas. You have blips on the radar. Line up your gunsights and let'em have it. You pick up an enemy cruiser on your and send them to Davy Jones locker. If you complete your missions, you will be awarded with the Navy's highest honor...a promotion to Fleet Admiral. Best of all, you can play it in SegaScope 3-D or in 2-D. So everyone can play. But command the Poseidon well, or the enemy will send you to the briny deep! ---- ^Presse^ \\ - ^Files^ \\ - ^Codes^ \\ **Continue Feature**\\ To continue, when you see the "Game Over" screen press the directional pad Down four times,Right three times, Up two times and Left one time. You will start on the last level you played.\\ \\ **Access Music Menu**\\ At the title screen, press the directional pad Up one time, Left two times, Down three times and Right four times. Listen to the sounds by pressing Button 1 after selecting them. ^Kommentare^ \\ //Designed for use with the Sega 3D glasses, Poseidon Wars puts you in command of a naval ship in hostile waters. Played from a first-person perspective, you aim crosshairs at approaching enemy ships and aircraft. The collision detection is generous to say the least, allowing you to shoot down scaling planes and missiles while they're still little more than a pixel on the horizon. I like the choppy water effects, but those scaling missiles look pretty rough. The effect of the 3D glasses is respectable, although it takes a few minutes to adjust your eyes to it. Much like staring at those crazy 3D designs popular a few years back, you have to "unfocus" your eyes a bit to experience the full effect. Despite being designed for the glasses, Poseidon Wars can also be played in 2D mode (by pressing button one on the second control pad), but that's far less interesting. Completing five "training" stages opens up eight "normal" stages you can play in any order. The shooting action is fun for a while, but it's far too easy and tends to wear out its welcome. When a game plays tricks with your eyes like this one does, you don't want to be staring at it for long stretches. Ultimately, Poseidon Wars probably offers more novelty value than play value.// - Videogamecritic.com ----