---- ^[[mastersystem:e|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE E]]^ ---- **AUTHOR: ** Novotrade **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Jump & Run|Jump & Run]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** - **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** 9029 **EAN:** 4974365635596 **WERT:** 15 Euro ---- Eccos Unterwasserwelt ist von einem schrecklichen Wirbelsturm verwüstet worden. Helfen Sie ihm, durch trügerische tropische Riffe und frostige Polareisströme zu navigieren, um seine Delphinherde wiederzufinden. Ecco's underwater world has been devastated by a swrling gust of air and water. Help him navigate back to his dolphin pod, through threacherous tropical reefs and freezing polar ice floes. ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //As a long time fan of the Ecco franchise, I jumped into the Master System port expecting the worse. And do you know what? I was wrong, this game (taking into consideration the limitations of the Master System in comparison to it's Mega Drive counterpart) is a pretty nice faithful recreation of the time travelling porpoise. To those who are no familiar with the Ecco the Dolphin story-line, Ecco is challenged by one of his pod-mates to see how high he can jump. Upon a suspended mid-air flip, a waterspout is created, sucking all lifeforms out of Ecco's home, taking his pod and sending them skyward and into the ship of the life-form responsible for this ocean harvest, the Vortex. Ecco's only choice now is to travel back to this event in time, to be sucked into the waterspout along with his pod, to take the Vortex down, and rescue his pod. But before that, he must find a means to travel back in time. Thus Ecco's adventure begins. First and foremost, the Master System port has a feature not included in the Mega Drive version, the introduction, which includes an exclusive "whale song" and some dolphin chatter on the title screen. This pretty much showcases the Master System's ability to handle decent voice quality, rarely heard in games for this system. Right off the bat, you are thrown into a decision, left or right. Swimming left will take you to the password screen, which you will be using as the game is long and there is no other form of save feature. The right passage will take you to Ecco's home. The game's story-line is what grips players, it's nice and diverse and again is rarely seen in Master system games (another notable game that has this is Ninja Gaiden, but we'll cover that some other time). Ecco can sing to other forms of marine life be it another dolphin or an orca for information and clues on how to solve puzzles, a focal mainstay in the entire franchise, you will become familiar with information glyphs and key glyphs as you play. I will say now, that the Master System version features some new levels not seen in the Mega Drive version, thus adding to the exclusivity of this game. Health is gained from charging into fish and both health and air bars have to be closely monitored, as they are constantly being pushed to their limit. This is a hard game, makes me want to strangle the entirety of Novotrade with my wireless mouse while shouting obscurities at the team manager. [...] Brilliant story-line, astonishing level of detail, fast responsiveness, challenging difficulty and a more than exceptional replay value. Indefinably on of the best games on the system, if not thee best (sorry Sonic, biased opinion, can't be helped). I promise you, your Master System will be gloating once you insert the game cartridge, that is, if you haven't yanked the cart out and smash up your system with it, as I said before, the game is monumentally hard, to the point of being institutionalized. If you beat this, then make a cuppa and rest up, because you earned it my friend. Highly recommend this one, whether you're new to the franchise or not. Nothing will challenge you like this masterpiece. Now excuse me, I have to jump up into the sky and listen to that awful jingle (again).// - www.smstributes.co.uk ----