AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1990 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7050 EAN: 4974365634506 WERT: 75 Euro
Cyber Zeed ist zurück! Plutonium-Diebstähle aus Atomkraftwerken häufen sich zund um die Welt! Jede Nation setzt ihre besten Leute ein, um den unheilvollen Machenschaften ein Ende zu setzen - jedoch ohne Erfolg. Aber es gibt einen tapferen Burschen, der es wagt, sich dieser Herausforderung zu stellen: Joe Musashi. Übernehmen Sie als Joe Musashi und retten Sie unseren Planeten vor dieser alles vernichtenden Katastrophe!
Cyber Zeed is back! And they're stealing plutonium from every atomic power plant in the world! Every nation sent out its best forces to try and put an end to this disastrous situation, but none of them suceeded. There was one brave soul who dared to meet the challenge - Joe Musashi. Be Joe Musashi and save our beautiful planet from destruction!
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Pro Action Replay Codes
00C0 0E05 Infinite Lives
00C0 1405 Infinite Time
00C1 1C23 Infinite Energy
00C0 1208 Infinite Shots
00C0 100X Power Modifier (replace X with 0-8)
00C0 110X Ninjutsu Modifier (replace X with 0-8)
00C1 3C00 Last Boss 1 Hit
Kommentare |
Shinobi… What can I say? One of the greatest platform games ever created. A true arcade classic and a definite addition to any SMS fan's library. Spawned dozens of sequels and spin-offs, including famed Shadow Dancer and next generation titles such as Shinobi (PS2) and Nightshade. Sorry Ryu Hayabusa. You're cool too but Joe Musashi (and his relatives) will be always our choice of ninjas. Story takes place in future. Joe Musashi has retired from the full-time job of saving the world and passed the baton to his grandson. The army of psychos, Zeed, which was defeated by one and only Joe goddamn Musashi has returned with a vengeance. Stealing plutonium from the nuclear reactors all over the world, it's obvious they are up to no good. ( …Just a minute… P–PLUTONIUM!!!!?? ) With the total amount of stolen nuclear material is over 100.000 Megatons ( …Gulp… ) Earth's destruction is immiment. And the only person who can save us is grandson of legendary Joe goddamn Musashi. (Doesn't that makes him Joe Musashi Jr? ) Now, there is something you should know about this game: It was only released in Europe. This… could not be good sign. Do not get me wrong, there are many rough diamonds out there that never seen the light in US markets but in my experience, most of the time, these games would be disasters. Kind of stange when you think about it. Forget the US Markets, why was this game never released in Japan, the country it was created in? […] This game is not that easy. If you want to see the ending or collect/see all the weapons or magic, you might want to play it a few times. Many consider Cyber Shinobi as the weakest of the Shinobi series. Granted, original shinobi is much better than the Cyber but this game is, in my opinion, is still better than the crap-tastic SMS port of Shadow Dancer. I also accept that there are many problems with the game, namely controls. But this is Shinobi game. Give it a try for the great justice. Believe me, it not that bad. -
In the previous game, an evil army of villains, known simply as „Zeed“ , but some of them escaped, however. Time has passed and it is the year 2XXX where atomic power plants in countries around the world are attacked, and plutonium, which was the equivalent of 100,000 megatons of explosive power, was stolen from these plants. The words „Cyber Zeed“ was always written at the scene of the crime. Later, the world realized what Cyber Zeed had planned to do: use their nuclear capabilities to terrorize the world. Every nation sent their best forces to stop this threat, but all of them failed. Joe Musashi came forward to this great evil, and he is required to fight those who rose from the ashes and put an end to this threat. Cyber Shinobi is a one-player game that consists of six rounds. You need to fight ninjas that get in your way using your fists and legs. You can also defeat them using special attacks and ninjitsu. Power-ups can be collected along the way, which will give you more shots, ninjitsu, power, and life. A boss needs to be defeated at the end of the round. -
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