^[[mastersystem:b|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE B]]^
**AUTHOR: ** SEGA **RELEASE:** 1986 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Beat'em Up]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 7 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-5054-50 **EAN:** 4974365632540 **WERT:** 20 Euro
Sie haben den Schwarzen Gürtel - den Meisterrang. Und Sie haben genug Chancen, um das zu beweisen.
You're a BLACK BELT master-one of the best-and you'll have plenty of chances to prove it.
**Level Select ** \\
At title screen, using controller 2, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up+Left, Up+Right, Down+Right, Down+Left, Down x7, Up, Up+Right, Up+Right. Then with controller 2 you can select a value using Up and press a button to start the game.
Please note that this cheat is VERY difficult to accomplish, and the diagonal directions must be pressed perfectly. For example, Up+Right must be pressed together at exactly the same time.
**Infinite Lives Glitch** \\
Press Button 1 to start the game. When the red screen comes up displaying the number of players, hold Button 1 down. The screen will go blank for only a short time. Press Reset before the action begins. The game will glitch and Riki will show up on the top left. You'll have unlimited lives, but be careful because if you receive an extra life due to points, your status will drop to zero and you can end your game. Thus, be careful and try to only do what you have to. The code is thus somewhat flawed, but it does work.
**Secret Level** \\
After beating Wang, the final boss, press Up twenty times during the text scroll to unlock a secret level. (In Chapter 7, you will fight all the bosses again)
**Defeat Wang Easily** \\
Wang, the final boss, is quite relentless and difficult. The manual states there is no weakness and you have to win by skill, but they're wrong. All you have to do is stay in the left hand corner as the round starts. When Wang is drawing close, hold down and then move up to jump. He'll jump right towards you and if timed right you can catch him in the air with low punches, brining his life down to nothing in a matter of seconds.
//Ahhh, Black Belt. I loved this game as a kid. Funny thing is, I don’t think I ever owned it. I used to play it at a cousins house on occasion. But as I only did play it rarely it made it all the more new and exciting to play. It’s one of the system’s earliest titles and still very playable to this day. You play as Riki, a black belt master in some form of martial art. You girlfriend has been kidnapped by your arch-rival Wang and you must fight your way through several stages and bosses to get her back. Not exactly original, I know. [...] Black Belt, in my books, is a classic. This is a great little beat-em-up with fast-paced action and a challenging difficulty level. I’m quite a fighting-game buff and the lack of this genre in the SMS library has always been disappointing to me. Luckily this game is here to fulfil my need for chop-socky action (and making people explode). It’s definitely one you should own and is very easy to find. Overall, very solid and enjoyable.// - www.smstributes.co.uk
//Black Belt features the worst box cover art in the history of games, with a single foot in the lower left side of its plain white box. How lazy is that?! The game itself isn't half bad. Black Belt's fighters are realistically-proportioned and the kung fu action is non-stop. The first stage takes place in a courtyard as a parade of henchmen who all look exactly the same approach from both sides. You can punch and kick in a rapid-fire fashion, causing foes to literally shatter into block-shaped chunks! Good times! The real challenge is trying to snag the food icons that occasionally travel across the top of the screen. You need to press down-and-up to leap, and it's hard to get the timing right in the heat of battle. Periodically the thugs clear out and a sub-boss appears to break up the monotony. These specialized martial artists each have their own distinctive fighting style, and many carry weapons. At this point Black Belt is already on par with most fighting games of its era, but then it takes things to the next level. The end-of-stage boss battles are presented in a "close up" view with larger, more detailed characters! They don't exactly fill the screen, but for the Sega Master System, they look positively huge. And these guys really mean business! The best strategy is to let the boss unleash his fury, and then move in to land a few quick hits when he's catching his breath. Upon defeating a boss, your character will automatically unleash a flurry of rapid-fire kicks or punches as a "finishing move" of sorts. It's kind of awesome, but mostly silly. Black Belt won't win any awards, but if you can embrace this game in all of its absurdity, you might be surprised by how much fun you have.// - www.Videogamecritic.com