AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1991 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 16 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7075 EAN: 4974365634759 WERT: 15 Euro

Weltraumungeheuer, die ständig ihre Form verändern, haben Ihre Stadt übernommen. Braten Sie die schleimigen Widerlinge, und vereiteln Sie ihren Plan zur Welteroberung. Halten Sie voll drauf mit Flammenwerfern, elektrischen Peitschen und mehr!

Shape-changing alien scum take over your city. Fry the slimy horrors and smash their bid for global conquest. Blast into action with fire blazers, electric whips and more!






Cheat mode
At the title screen, hold Up and press 1, 2, 1 on controller 2. A letter S will appear at the upper right of the screen, confirming the code. Now during the game, use one of the following commands on controller 2:
Button 1 or 2 - Skip stage
Up - Full life and energy
Down - Reduces life and energy


Aliens have invaded Earth yet again (you'd think the BBC at least would've reported on this by now), and as usual only one person can stop them. Well it was three in the arcades, two on the Mega Drive, but only one here. As either a bloke or a robot (simplified from their actual names because there's too many variations, and the lass is completely absent) set off with your woefully short-range weapons and toast some ever-so-familar-looking aliens… Despite its appearances, Alien Storm is actually more of a Golden Axe/Streets Of Rage type game than anything else. It seems a little daft that a bloke armed with a laser cannon can only point it about a foot from himself and shoot, but that's the way it's got to be (the robot at least has the more sensible looking electric whip, while the sadly absent token lady had a flame thrower - not exactly renowned for its range). So it's the usual walk, usually punch but here we shoot, dodge pattern you find in scrolling beat-'em-ups. But wait! There's a twist. There are two more styles of play to be had: a rail shooter and something halfway between the regular game and a shmup. Trouble is, the rail shooter bits are a little disappointing since your cursor moves so slowly that when an alien pops up and the bottom of the screen there's no time to get him before you're hit. Not even with the reflexes of a cat on caffeine. It'd be too much to ask, but phaser support would've made in so much more fun. But hey, there's the running shooter bit isn't there? Well not really. If you're really awful you might get hit by something but for the most part, stay extreme left and shoot… end of stage. It's all very disappointing, though the Mega Drive version has sections which are equally embarassingly easy. […] If you've never seen the arcade game or its Mega Drive conversion then this is a pretty neat game. However it falls into the category of cut-down 8-bit release, and unlike games like Chuck Rock or Robocop vs The Terminator, the changes aren't just aesthetic they're wholesale. It's a shame because there core is there but it tries too hard to emulate its bigger brother and in that, it is always destined to fail. For completists and non-Mega Drive owners only. - www.smstributes.co.uk